Over a year is a new record for lack of updating. Magic is
no longer my primary hobby, as I spend nearly every tournament working the front
counter at the card shop or judging the event. I've since found other ways to
entertain myself - I play a lot of Warhammer 40k, board games, comics, and
spend time with my fiancé.
But that makes it sound so much sadder than it is! I still love Magic even though I don't play very much, and I think there are a lot more people out there like that. I still play in every prerelease and I get in Commander games when I can, but without the weekly 5-round to play in, it's hard to obsess. Still, Oros is always close to my heart, and even in the break I've made some more tweaks. Gatecrash has gotten me very excited with
some awesome new cards for Boros and Orzhov, and we are going to see the
largest card swap in the deck in years! So here I am again, giving you an
update on the deck. Hope you enjoy the read and pick up a bit of my own
experience in the format - I'm by no means an expert, but I do think everyone's
got something to add to your own worldview, no matter their experience level. So
enough philosophy - let's find out what's shaking up Oros these days!
Increasing Ambition replaces Demonic Collusion

Magic 2013's Diabolic Revelation is another card I picked up
which is going to sit in my new "sideline" binder in case something
ever causes me to want to play it over Increasing Ambition. It can be a very
powerful tutor in long-game formats like Commander, but costs more upfront and
cannot be casted over multiple turns like the others. That said, being able to
topdeck this in the super-late game and give yourself a 7 card godhand seems
pretty nice.
Lands can be very hard to switch around in a tightly
developed deck like this, and I was not excited to break up my Kamigawa
legendary land cycle. But Red is (unfortunately!) the least represented color
in the deck, so having the mana isn't as important as it is for black or white,
and Shinka is, frankly, weak. Shizo's swampwalk can go a long way to helping
you finish a game against a lot of decks, and Eiganjo Castle's damage
prevention can save your legendaries when they are threatened by damage
sweepers or act as a toughness boost in combat. Shinka, on the other hand,
merely gives you a combat trick that may deter blockers, but still gives your
opponent the choice to block or not, in which case they will always choose what
is least harmful to them.
To its detraction, Slayers' Stronghold doesn't provide any
colors. However, it makes up for it by not being legendary and doing a LOT for
its mana investment. +2/+0 changes the Commander -damage clock in this deck
from 4 turns to 3. Haste is a powerful ability in a format full of players and,
consequently, sweepers and removal, in which a creature often doesn't last
until your next turn. And Vigilance is also quite strong in multiplayer
formats, letting you play both offense and defense and keep the game going.
Slayers' Stronghold is a perfect card for a deck like this which relies on
early game control and late game beaters, making each of the relatively few
creatures in the deck that much faster and stronger.
Felidar, I do love you. You are fun . You gain me life. ONE
TIME, you won me the game. I appreciated that. However, as I always tell
people, constantly trying to tweak a deck means every game is an audition -
each card in your deck has a chance to take the spotlight and prove to you why
it deserves a slot in the tight 100 cards. Unfortunately for you, Felidar
Soveriegn, you are slow, threatening, don't have any triggers for entering,
leaving, or dying, and do nothing to protect yourself. Most of your auditions
have been duds. I will always remember that one game you helped me win, but for
now you will sit in the sidelines.
Taking Felidar's place is a very powerful Angel. She
protects everything you control and doubles all of your clocks. She's nearly
impossible to block successfully, dishing out 10 damage in the first strike
step and requiring at least 10 power to kill. She halves the Commander-damage
clock as soon as you cast her. With a Slayer's Stronghold, a Sunforger, and
Gisela, Oros can do what he's never done before and one-shot players in
combat. That's a perfect situation, but
Gisela still shines as your only creature. Masses of 1/1 tokens can't touch you
anymore. Blightsteel Colossus can no longer ace you in a single hit. She makes
you a huge target - but actually protects you at the same time. She needs some
more audition time, but I have high hopes for this gal.

There's not too much that needs to be said for Terminus. I
would have put it in the deck if it didn't have Miracle. Fortunately, it does,
so its card frame is awesome and there are games where the topdeck is just
mean. It's a board sweeper and a tuck effect that looks cool and can be a
blowout - pretty much an auto-include in this deck!
In the near future, I'll talk about what cards were close to
the cut and why they aren't in, and after that we'll see an interesting M13
addition, a Dragon who was recently released from his prison of Azka-Ban, and
an iconic red spell that should have been in long ago. Finally, in a couple
weeks we'll see what goodies await in Gatecrash! Stay tuned, guys and gals!
I think Slayer's Stronghold is one of my favorite lands in that super-cycle. It almost makes me wish I had a while commander so I could play it (because you know I will be playing red!)